Preisträger 2019

Paul-Langerhans Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Stefanie Eyerich (2nd from the left) and Michael Hölzel (middle)
left: M. Hertl (trustees chairman), 2nd from the right : J. Römmler-Zehrer (Celgene GmbH), right: R. Eming (ADF-board member)

ADF-Egon Macher Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Elsa Neubert (2nd ftr), R. Eming (l) (ADF-board member), (2nd ftl) Representative of AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG), (r) S. Goerdt (Trustees chairman)

Dermato-Oncology Price Award Ceremony. The price goes to Corinna Kosnopfel (2nd ftl) und Alexander Thiem (2nd ftr), left: R. Eming (ADF-board member), right: Manfred Kunz (DOP-trustees chairman)

ADF-ECARF Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Denise Rauer (2nd ftr) and Leonhard von Meyenn (2nd ftl), left: R. Eming (ADF-board member), right: T. Zuberbier (ECARF-trustees chairman)

Translational Research Price Award Ceremony. The Prices went to (2nd ftl) Anja Saalbach, N. Zimmermann, F. Meraz-Torres, Sabrina Tofern, Magda Babina and Luisa Senra or representatives, left: E. Schmidt (trustees chairman), m: G. Kressel (Novartis Pharma GmbH), 2nd from the right: R. Eming (ADF-board member), r.: W. Pfützner (award curatorium)

Atopic Dermatitis Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Elke Rodríguez (or representative, right), l.: R. Eming (ADF-board member), 2nd ftl: S. Zaun (Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH)

Weitere Preisträger 2019

Kondaiah Moganti, Andreas Recke, Tanya Sezin, Dora Stoelzl, Christoph Hudemann, Rosi Wang, Nikolaus Wagner, Janina Trothe, Patricia Rostan, Naveen Shridhar, Nicole Glodde, Barbara Schuster
