ADF Awards
The ADF announces various prizes to reward scientists / researchers from the field of dermatological research. In addition to the Paul Langerhans Award for established researchers and the Egon Macher Award for young investigators outstanding works in the field of allergy research (ADF / ECARF Award of European Allergy Research) and oncology (Dermato Oncology Junior Scientist Award) will be honored on the ADF Annual Meetings.
In addition, the best posters will be awarded with a poster prize.
For the complete tender texts and the detailed allocation policies please click on the highlighted link.
Please note:
For poster prices, the ADF / ECARF Award for European Allergy Research, the Dermato Oncology Junior Scientist Awards and for the Translational Research Award, a separate application is not necessary. For these prices all abstracts submitted before the deadline will be evaluated.
Submissions for the Paul Langerhans Award and the Egon Macher Award should be made in all cases exclusively in electronic form as one PDF file to the ADF office.
Submission deadline: November 01.
Research Stipend of the Deutsche Stiftung Dermatologie (DSD) and the ADF
- endowed by the Deutsche Stiftung für Dermatologie (DSD) -
The Deutsche Stiftung für Dermatologie and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung offered until 2016 a research stipend of 50.000 Euro in the field of experimental dermatology. From 2017 on this stipend is replaced by other supporting instruments for young dermatological scientists by the DSD.
Past awardees of the Research Stipend of the Deutsche Stiftung Dermatologie (DSD) and the ADF
Georg Stary, Wien
Martin Glatz, Zurich
Luise Erpenbeck, Boston
2) Neutrophile Granulozyten und Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs) bei entzündlichen und vaskulären Erkrankungen wie thrombotisch thrombozytopenische Purpura, kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen und Präeklampsie.
Philipp Eßer, Freiburg
Cyrill Géraud, Mannheim
Wolfram Hötzenecker, Tübingen
Pia Moinzadeh, Köln
Amanda Büchau, München